Several new research outputs relating to nuclear energy have been published from the University in August. Here is a summary of these publications with links to the full papers.
Radiocarbon dating
A team of researchers at the Universities of Belfast, Sheffield, Bristol, Glasgow, Oxford, St. Andrews and Historic England, among many other international institutions, used measurements from almost 15,000 samples from objects dating back as far as 60,000 years ago as part of a seven-year project, called IntCal, to produce new international radiocarbon calibration curves, which have been published in the journal Radiocarbon.
This project included Dr David Richards, Reader in Physical Geography at the University of Bristol and Nuclear Hazards and Risks theme leader for the South West Nuclear Hub.
He was responsible for coordinating efforts to stretch the limits of the curve using data from stalagmites, which rely on an alternative dating method based on radioactive decay of uranium to thorium, and also an understanding of the carbon cycle in the soils and rocks above the caves.
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Radiological protection workshop proceedings
A one-day workshop was organised by the UK Met Office and the University of Bristol, comprising private nuclear facility operators, public bodies, academia and others, on 6th February 2020 in Bristol, UK. The summary and recommendations from the workshop have now been published in the Journal of Radiological Protection.
Citation: Western, LM, Millington, S, Bedwell, P & Watson, W 2020, 'Summary and recommendations from the workshop ‘Integrating measurements and atmospheric-dispersion modelling to enhance the UK response to radiological atmospheric releases'', Journal of Radiological Protection, vol. 40, no. 3, 911.
[button link="" bg_color="#806ab7" border="#806ab7" window="yes"]View paper[/button]Project IPAD: International Particle Analysis Database
Citation: Martin, PG, Alhaddad, O, Verbelen, YSR, Satou, Y, Igarashi, Y & Scott , TB 2020, 'Project IPAD, a database to catalogue the analysis of Fukushima Daiichi accident fragmental release material', Scientific Data.
[button link="" bg_color="#806ab7" border="#806ab7" window="yes"]View paper[/button]Effects of plastic constraint on the fracture of materials
A collaborative paper between the University of Bristol, the University of Oxford, the National Nuclear Laboratory and Diamond Light Source has been published in the August edition of the Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. This is led by the Solid Mechanics Research Group at the University of Bristol.
Citation: Tonge, SM, Simpson, CA, Reinhard, C, Connolley, T, Sherry, AH, Marrow, TJ & Mostafavi, M 2020, 'Unifying the Effects of in and out-of-plane constraint on the fracture of ductile materials', Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 141, 103956.
[button link="" bg_color="#806ab7" border="#806ab7" window="yes"]View paper[/button]Find more
You can find more research via each of our university members' research publication repositories here: University of Bristol, University of Southampton, University of Plymouth and the University of the West of England.