The South West Nuclear Hub brings together a network of multi-disciplinary academics spanning numerous departments including Physics, Engineering and Earth Sciences. Here are the latest research papers published by this community.
University of Bristol Research Publications
- Burrows, R.W; Baron-Wiechec, A.; Harrington, CF; Moore, S.; Chaney, D.; Martin, T. L.; Likonen, J.; Springell, R.; Surrey, E. (2018). The possible effect of high magnetic fields on the aqueous corrosion behaviour of Eurofer In: Fusion Engineering and Design.
- Rennie, S; Lawrence Bright, E; Darnbrough, J; Paolasini, L; Bosak, A; Smith, A; Mason, N; Lander, G & Springell, R 2018. 'Study of phonons in irradiated epitaxial thin films of UO2' Physical Review B, vol 97, no. 22, 224303.
- Thomas, P; Taylor, R; Waddington, I & Vaughan, G 2018, 'Reply to Kasperski, Kuchinskaya and Josephson on "J-value assessment of relocation measures following the nuclear power plant accidents at Chernobyl and Fukushima Daiichi"' Process Safety and Environmental Protection.
- Dihoru, L; Dietz, M; Horseman, T; Kloukinas, P; Oddbjornsson, O; Voyagaki, E; Crewe, AJ & Taylor, CA 2018, 'Neural networks for displacement analysis in an advanced gas cooled reactor core model' Nuclear Engineering and Design, vol 332, 0029-5493, pp. 252-266.
- Malkin, RE; Franklin, AC; Bevan, RLT; Kikura, H & Drinkwater, BW 2018, 'Surface reconstruction accuracy using ultrasonic arrays: Application to non-destructive testing' NDT & E International, vol 96, pp. 26-34.
Bristol Robotics Laboratory
Bristol Robotics Laboratory is a joint collaboaration between the University of Bristol and the University of the West of England.
It contributes to the development of the global robotics community by publishing its research in international conferences and journals. The publications aim to further the advanced field of robotics and promote inter-disciplinary collaboration. Discover the latest publications here:
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