National Physical Laboratory join Hub as Applied Research member

The South West Nuclear Hub is pleased to welcome NPL (National Physical Laboratory) as an Applied Research Member.

NPL is the UK’s National Measurement Institute, providing the measurement capability that underpins the UK’s prosperity and quality of life. In the Energy and Environment sector, NPL plays a key role in enabling climate action with impact through the delivery of accurate, reliable data that supports climate decision making and enables low carbon innovation.

The NPL Nuclear Metrology Group has expertise in dosimetry, traceable primary and secondary standards of radioactivity and neutrons, radioactive gas standards, nuclear data and radiochemistry. This work supports the safe routine operation of nuclear power and cost-effective nuclear decommissioning, safeguarding the public and the environment. The Group also helps to increase industry understanding of nuclear fusion, at the start of a new era of nuclear energy provision. 

Ben Russell, Senior Research Scientist in the NPL Nuclear Metrology Group, said "the South West Nuclear Hub has proven to be a very successful mechanism for combining expertise across academia, government and industry to drive forward research in areas including nuclear materials, fuel management and robotics. NPL are excited to be a part of this consortium, and hope that our expertise in metrology and underpinning traceability for radioactivity and neutron measurements will add value to the Hub".  

NPL and the Hub are currently partners in the NNUF EXACT (Next Generation Accelerated Characterisation Technologies) facility. Led by the University of Southampton, EXACT aims to be a world-leading radiochemistry facility enabling research and training in accelerated nuclear characterisation and remediation technologies. These capabilities will underpin civil nuclear programmes, decommissioning and site clean-up, and new nuclear infrastructure.

South West Nuclear Hub Applied Research Membership

The South West Nuclear Hub has three main tiers of membership, tailored to the type and size of your organisation. We deliver a whole host of specific benefits that will bolster proposals and contribute to future research wins. These benefits are shaped around our strategic pillars: Research, Innovation, People and Engagement.

Applied Research membership is aimed at companies and institutions with an interest in nuclear energy development, deployment and support throughout the lifecycle, including the supporting supply chains.

Find out more on our Membership page or view the Applied Research Brochure

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