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NIRO: The Civil Nuclear Landscape and the Research, Development and Innovation needed to deliver a High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor Seminar

November 18, 2024 -5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

The South West Nuclear Hub is delighted to present the first in a new series of webinars dedicated to advancing nuclear research and innovation. This hybrid event will be held by the Nuclear Innovation and Research Office (NIRO). NIRO provide independent strategic and technical advice to government on the research and innovation needed for nuclear energy to play a significant role in the UK’s future low carbon and secure energy mix.

Current Government policy is for nuclear to contribute up to 24GWe by 2050 through a variety of reactor types. The most recent Civil Nuclear: Roadmap to 2050 also committed to a High Temperature Gas Reactor Demonstrator to be built and operatable by the early 2030’s. Over the last year NIRO and NIRAB have worked together to understand the Research, Development and Innovation needed to deliver a HTGR demonstrator within these timescales against the backdrop of the current civil nuclear landscape. We’ve recently published a publicly available documents which describes what RD&I we believe is needed to enable this ambition to be met. This talk will provide an overview of HTGR’s in the context of the current landscape, as well as provide a more in-depth discussion on how we came to derive the activities we believe are needed to support delivery of a demonstrator.

Presented by:

  • Dan Mathers- Executive Director of NIRO
  • Liv Thompson- Director of Strategic Nuclear Capability at NIRO/ NIRAB
  • Gary Bolton- Senior Technical Advisor, NIRO


When: Monday 18th November
Time: 17.00 - 18.30 (talk starts at 17.15)
Where: Lecture theatre 3.30 (third floor), Wills Memorial Building, Queens Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 1QE
Or online via Teams - Teams link will be sent in meeting invite


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For more information and to sign up to the event follow the link: SWNH/NIRO Webinar: High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors


South West Nuclear Hub


Lecture theatre 3.30, Wills Memorial Building
Wills Memorial Building
Bristol, BS8 1QE United Kingdom
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